Showing posts with label Very low-density lipoprotein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Very low-density lipoprotein. Show all posts
November 4, 2012

postheadericon Moving through the fat factory

As anyone who has ever read a nutrient chart knows, liver (as a food) is very high in fat and cholesterol. In fact, your liver is a veritable fat and cholesterol factory that collects fat fragments from your blood and uses them to make cholesterol and new fats that your body can use to build tissue and perform other physiological functions.

The next few sections explain exactly how lipoproteins are made.

Putting the fats in lipoproteins (and taking them out again)

When the chylomicron hits the liver, it picks up fat particles and mutates into the largest kind of lipoprotein, a fluffy particle called a very low density lipoprotein (VLDL).

Then your liver sends the VLDL out into the wide world — your body. As the VLDL travels far and wide, it drops globs of fat, picks up globs of cholesterol, and changes into a slightly smaller, heavier particle called an intermediate low-density lipoprotein (IDL), and then a slightly smaller, heavier low density lipoprotein (LDL).

The last step in the transformation of the baby lipoprotein (the chylomicron) occurs when an LDL has dropped so much fat and cholesterol into body tissue that it’s mostly protein. Now, you’re looking at a high density lipoprotein (HDL).

Naming the proteins in lipoproteins

The primary proteins in VLDLs, IDLs, and LDLs belong to a class of apolipoproteins called apoB. The primary proteins in HDLs belong to a class of apolipoproteins called apoA. Other less prominent apolipoproteins found in lipoproteins are apoC and apoE.

You may have heard about a blood test for apoA; this test is interesting because a high level of apoA indicates a high level of protective HDLs (the “good” particles that haul cholesterol out of your body).
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November 3, 2012

postheadericon Shaking Hands with Cholesterol

Cholesterol is the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of the nutrition world. This fat-like substance is both essential for your healthy body and potentially hazardous to your heart.

Making the most of cholesterol’s Jekyll-like good characteristics while counteracting its Hyde-like bad impulses can be a delicate but not impossible balancing act. The task begins with understanding how and where cholesterol does its good work and how and where it can cause problems. Begin your mission, in the true scientific spirit, at the beginning.

Where cholesterol comes from

Yes, you get some cholesterol from food, but the curious fact is that most of the cholesterol in your blood and body tissues is produced right in your very own liver. Your liver uses the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in food to manufacture and churn out about 1 gram (1,000 milligrams) of cholesterol a day.

How cholesterol travels around your body

Whether your cholesterol comes from food or your liver, it travels through your bloodstream in particles called lipoproteins, a name derived from lipos (the Greek word for “fat”) and protos (Greek for “first” or “most important”).

The fatty substances in lipoproteins include cholesterol and triglycerides, the most common fatty substance in the human body (more about triglycerides in the section “Focusing on Other Blood Baddies”). The proteins that combine with fats to produce lipoproteins are called apolipoproteins, often abbreviated as apo.

Lipoproteins develop through five distinct phases as they mature into the particles that carry cholesterol around your body:

  • Phase 1: Chylomicrons
  • Phase 2: Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs)
  • Phase 3: Intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDLs)
  • Phase 4: Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
  • Phase 5: High-density lipoproteins (HDLs)

How does a chylomicron become a VLDL, then an IDL, then an LDL, and finally, maybe, an HDL? The following roadmap marks the route.
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